Sunday, July 26, 2015

The big climax: Market Mood July 27-31, 2015

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Risk aversion reaches a peak the week of July 27 with a backdrop of violence in the news, according to this week's projected social mood pattern.  Spatial analysis shows risk aversion in the United States to be greater than the previous week, indicating further market losses are likely.  However, the bearish mood will not likely continue past this week, at least in the near term. 
A "new paradigm" pattern early in the week indicates that markets could attempt a new direction as early as late Monday.  Thursday and Friday volatility should pick up, and large moves are likely.   

Friday, July 10, 2015

Uncertainty vs. Hope: Market Mood July 13-17, 2015

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The week of July 13 is characterized by a struggle between uncertainty about the global situation and the desire to hope that everything is going to be OK.  This will create an unusually choppy (or whipsaw) condition in the markets.  Spatial analysis shows risk aversion in the United States to be slightly less this week than last week.  While conditions are not yet clearly bullish, they appear to be less bearish than the previous week.
Tentative optimism is projected to wane early in the week and be replaced by a nervous hope midweek.  By the end of the week, it may seem that it was too early to hope, as strong market moves return to the picture.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

U.S. Market & Mood July 6-10, 2015

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According to social mood projections, Monday should be the most solidly bearish day for the stock market, and the middle of the week, the most clearly bullish or optimistic.  A major shift in the market pattern should take place near the end of the week at the same time that social mood shows increased instability of one type or another is likely to be a focal point of the news.  Spatial analysis shows that the most disruptive events are likely to occur outside of the United States.  Regardless, they should to get America's attention.