Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Mood Pattern of Terror

There is an identifiable social mood pattern that is associated with social disruption.  The types of events included in social disruption are protests, strikes, riots, “random” mass violence, and terrorist activity.  An example of this pattern can be seen below in the monthly mood configuration for June.  The basic pattern is high Manic and low Controlled (with mood/effect inverted as it is currently).  When the second highest mood quality is Vulnerable, it ends up being more ideological (e.g. protests and strikes).  When the second highest quality is Expansive, it tends to be more violent.
Time scale is important as well.  When this pattern shows up on a daily scale, the events that may arise near that date could be of little significance to the general public and may not even make the news.  On a weekly scale, something in the socially disruptive category is more likely to show up in the news.  On a monthly scale, such as what we have in June, there is almost certainty that a highly significant event or events of this type will be in the news, and will have an emotional impact, at the very least, on the American people (since the measure is U.S. mood).

On June 12th, around 2am, the tragic and unfortunate shooting in Orlando occurred.  One can hope that the largest mass shooting in American history would be sufficient to satisfy a monthly scale disruptive mood configuration.  Yet, while not a certainty, there is an indication that something else may be next.  The exact same social mood pattern for the month of June showed up on a daily scale on June 11th, the day before the Orlando shooting.  It shows up again on June 26th (see June daily mood timeline below).  While a daily scale configuration is not usually of newsworthy significance, when it matches the larger pattern, it may be an indication of specifically when it may show up as part of the news cycle.

This is not being shared to create fear or terror.  It is a reminder to use the due diligence that is always important.  That is, staying aware of our environment and looking for unusual activity or behavior in the people around us, and for anything especially out of place.  This is especially true for the next couple of days.

How does this relate to markets and trading?  There is often (but not always) a climax event at a near term bottom, which also happens to be likely in the next few days.

Update: 6/26/16 3pm Pacific Time 
It's not terrorism, but this certainly fulfills the criteria.  Hopefully with no one dying this time: Protesters, white supremacists clash at State Capitol.  Officials: 5 people stabbed, 2 critically injured

Update: 6/28/16
No such luck.  Terrorism strikes again.
Suicide bombs kills 28, wound dozens at Istanbul airport

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