Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Military Action Imminent? - Special Update

update 28 Aug '13 - U.S. says, "We're past the point of no return" and airstrikes should be expected soon.  However, President Obama says, "No decision yet on Syria"

update 29 Aug '13 - US willing to act alone on Syria attack

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Changes in collective mood this evening have been observed consistent with executive decisions and military action.  Although the U.S. has communicated that it would strike Syria "as soon as Thursday," a spike has just been observed in collective mood factors that correspond with executive decisions, action (or violence), government, and a polarized "good guy" vs. "bad guy" outlook.

Social mood and news stories were being reviewed in hopes of finding a change for the better in the volatile situation around Syria.  The observed spike, we believe, corresponds with an executive decision to commit to a course of action.  While it is only an educated guess that this would correspond with a go ahead for a strike on Syria, there is a definite change in the pattern.

Alternate analysis shows a surge in news coverage of "mass violence" is likely to begin somewhere between August 30 - September 6.

For more information on the current outlook or the MoodCompass Project, see http://moodcompass.com.

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